Exploring The Valley of The Roses in Morocco

Visit the Valley of the Roses in Morocco

Exploring The Valley of The Roses in Morocco

Find a hidden gem on the way to the Sahara Desert. Nestled in the southern foothills of the Atlas Mountains, along the Assif M’Goun river, lies a stunning area that has become known as The Valley of The Roses. Every spring and summer the valley is filled with roses in full bloom, drawing travelers from all over the world to witness their beauty. Here’s an overview of this unique region and what to do when visiting.


If you are travelling in Morocco, odds are you are going to find time to visit the Sahara Desert. In order to get there, you have to travel through the High Atlas Mountains and then down into the valleys on their southern side. One of these valleys has come to be known as the Valley of The Roses. This magical valley is home to a variety of roses that are only found in this part of Morocco. Not only does it have these beautiful roses, but also many other plants and flowers that bloom throughout the year. Birdwatchers can also see some interesting species in this area such as bee-eaters, hoopoes, and turtle doves. It is surrounded by mountains, rivers, and meadows covered with wildflowers and shrubs. This makes it a great destination for outdoor enthusiasts who would like to explore its bountiful landscapes.

In the spring and summer months, the temperatures in the Valley of The Roses are typically pleasant, making it ideal for picking roses during those times.  Local women pick these roses from the valley which are then shipped off to factories nearby where they are turned into various products such as shampoo or hand creams. This industry provides employment to locals living around this area and helps sustain their traditional culture which has been passed down through generations.


Things To Do In The Valley Of The Roses

Whether you are looking for an adventure exploring the area, want to learn more about the culture and the products produced here or just want a relaxing stop on your way to explore the Sahara Desert, there are plenty of activities available. This includes trekking and biking along old Berber trails, exploring local villages, or discovering hidden waterfalls. For avid photographers there is no shortage of picturesque spots here – take photos from high mountain ridges overlooking lush valleys or capture moments at hidden oases deep within the mountainside.

The Valley of The Roses is an incredible part of Morocco waiting to be explored! From its stunning flora and fauna to its vibrant industries and local culture - there’s something for everyone here! It’s definitely worth taking time out on your journey to the Sahara Desert to experience this unique area for yourself!

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Visit the Valley of the Roses in Morocco
Visit the Valley of the Roses in Morocco
Visit the Valley of the Roses in Morocco